The Father Willie Doyle Association

Father Willie Doyle Association

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Father Willie Doyle


Thoughts for September 8 from Fr Willie Doyle

The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Murillo

September 8 The Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Don’t you know it is our Lady’s feast, and Mary had her mantle spread over us to save us from all harm?

COMMENT: Fr Doyle wasn’t speaking of today’s remembrance of the birth of Mary when he made the above comment to a soldier, but the sentiment is just as true on today’s feast, and indeed, on every day of the year. Mary is our Mother who protects us and provides graces for us. From Fr Doyle’s writings it is clear that his devotion was deep and that he was aware of her maternal protection and favours throughout his life.

Here is another excellent video for today’s feast from Fr James Kubicki SJ


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September 8, 2010

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