Do not try to run till you can walk well. Draw up a list of certain little sacrifices which you feel God is asking from you and which you know you will be able to give Him without very much difficulty: better be cowardly than too generous. Then, come what may, be faithful to your list and shake it in the face of the tempter when he suggests that you should give it up.
COMMENT: As always, Fr Doyle presents a sane and balanced spirituality to us. Constancy leads to success in all areas of life, whether it be in acquiring a new skill, in studying for exams or in the spiritual life. It was by constant effort that Fr Doyle grew spiritually to become the hero of the trenches.
His advice is also very relevant as we approach Advent. Often we forget that Advent is a time of penance and preparation. Here in Ireland there is great hype in the weeks leading up to Christmas, and as soon as we reach the 26th or 27th of December (when Christmas is just starting) it is forgotten about and the focus becomes the New Year. This is not the way we should live as Christians – Advent is a time of preparation to allow us to live the spirit of Christmas with greater joy and intimacy with the Lord. Perhaps it would be good to take Fr Doyle’s advice, and prepare a short list of small, specific sacrifices that we wish to make in preparation for Christmas?
The above passages remind us that there certainly is power in even the little things…the important factor to remember is that it’s not necessarily the “size” of the sacrifice or work of charity, but the meaning behind it, that is, is it done out of charity, done for the greater glory of God? As Blessed Miguel Pro teach us so poignantly at the moment before his execution, first, forgiving his executioners, and second, proclaiming with his final words : “Long Live Christ the King!” Everything we do should be for His greater glory.
Father Doyle, guide us along the ways of God in every little and big endeavor. Help us to increase grace and charity in our soul and heart.
Thanks for the suggestion regarding Advent. It’s the same here in the States. Everyone’s “Christmasy” until Christmas actually arrives. Then it’s poof! it’s gone. Will mull over a few items to help Advent be Advent.