See that blood-stained crown which our sins have woven for the brows of our King! Mark the gems that glisten and gleam in that regal diadem, precious gems, priceless jewels the all-saving blood of a God made man. No earthly king had ever worn a crown like this before! Never had such a coronet marked its wearer out for the homage of his fellow men!
March 14, 2025
1 Comment
on Thoughts for March 14 from Fr Willie Doyle.
A good meditation above for these days of Lent. A reminder that our King endured humiliated sufferings, sacrificed His earthly life for His subjects, His Precious blood dropping upon the ground at the feet of His Sorrowing Mother, and then came the moment when He could no longer speak, or breathe. His mission was over as Redeemer. The King of Heaven and Earth was laid to rest.
Father Doyle, please remind us each day of the deep, eternal, sacrifice of love given by Our Lord. Help us to make our sacrifices, large and small one with His.