The Father Willie Doyle Association

Father Willie Doyle Association

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Father Willie Doyle


Thoughts for August 23 from Fr Willie Doyle

Look upon the grace God gives you as a talent you must work with and increase. The Master in the Gospel gave his profitable servants twice as many talents. In like manner will God double your grace if you make good use of it. He will give you “grace for grace”. (John 1. 16)

COMMENT: Fr Willie was most certainly a profitable servant, who carefully “invested” the grace God gave him. He set out to be faithful in little things, always striving to perform each task with love and perfection. In the end he was faithful in much, even when it came to offering his own life to save a wounded soldier. This heroism in the trenches finds its foundation in daily faithfulness. In the ordinary ways of life, barring a miracle of grace, it is hard to imagine someone who was slovenly and careless in his daily life of work and relationships and ordinary duty suddenly becoming a hero in the trenches. Really great achievements are built on daily fidelity to duty.

Today is also the feast of St Rose of Lima, the first canonised saint of the Americas who died at the age of 31. Like Fr Willie, she was noted for her life of extraordinary penance which she offered for sinners and for the souls in Purgatory.

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August 23, 2024

1 Comment

on Thoughts for August 23 from Fr Willie Doyle.
  1. Sister M. Michele S.C.M.C.

    With all the battles going on in the world today, please, Father Doyle, pray that peace comes to the world, and protection of the innocents who are not in combat but are suffering from it. Help people realize that only the Prince of Peace can assure true peace. May Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth spread Her mantle over every nation.

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