A long time reader and friend of the site, a priest, posted a comment last week seeking prayers for a friend through Fr Doyle’s intercession. He has agreed that I publish it as a main post so that more can see it.
Here is what he wrote:
May I ask your readers to pray for a dear friend of mine in Canada, Cathy, who has very serious cancer that is spreading. Her husband Martin will be losing his job at the end of this month. Their only child, Connor, died of cancer in 2013 at the age of 19, a very fine young man of strong faith. I have encouraged the family to pray through the intercession of Father Willie.
Within 14 years of Fr Doyle’s death the Irish Jesuits had received 6.426 letters from every corner of the globe reporting alleged favours through his intercession. I often get messages reporting favours; I received one just last week from from someone reporting that Fr Doyle had helped with a special intention.
Let us all pray through Fr Doyle’s intercession for Cathy in Canada, and for her husband Martin and other members of the family who are truly carrying a cross right now.
Here is a prayer through Fr Doyle’s intercession for private use, that was approved in the 1920’s.
O Jesus, who has given us the example of Your servant, Father William Doyle, graciously grant us the favours we ask You through his intercession…[Make petition.]
Teach us to imitate his love for You, his heroic devotion to Your service, his zeal for repairing the outrages done to Your glory, and for the salvation of souls. Hear our prayer and show us the credit he now enjoys in heaven so that we may soon be able to venerate him in public worship.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Fr Doyle, pray for us, and pray for healing for Cathy.
Finally, may I also ask you to pray for a niece of mine who is undergoing some serious medical tests right now.
I am Canadian, living in the province of Ontario, in Canada. I will definitely pray daily for Cathy and Martin through the intercession of Fr. Doyle. I will also pray for your niece.
I will send this post of yours to my other Catholic friends in Canada to join us in prayer.
Prayers promised for Cathy in Canada and for your new niece, Pat.
May I just add that last week I had the great joy of receiving an unexpected favour granted by God through the intercession of saintly Fr Willie Doyle. I had been praying the above prayer to Father Willie for about three weeks or so, hoping against hope, but never really thinking that my yearned for favour (it was something good, but very difficult) would ever be granted. But it was! And just at the right time.
Thank you Father Willie. I now know that you really do come to the assistance of those on Earth who plead for your intercession with their needs. May you soon be raised to the altar of formal canonisation so that your exemplary holy life may become more widely known in the world, thus drawing more souls to God. Amen.
Sorry Pat, I don’t know how the word “new” (before “niece”) slipped in there!