The Father Willie Doyle Association

Father Willie Doyle Association

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Father Willie Doyle


Happy birthday Fr Willie. Will you give him a gift today?

Today is Fr Willie’s birthday.

He was born into this world on 3rd March 1873. Through the example of his life, and the impact of his writings, he is still making an impact 152 years later…

Will you give him a special birthday present?

Perhaps Fr Willie’s story has inspired you? Or maybe, like thousands of others, you feel that Fr Willie has answered your prayers?

This is an opportunity to show your gratitude to him.

You can give Fr Willie a gift by imitating the example of his virtues especially his fidelity to duty and bearing the difficulties and crosses of each day with generosity and joy. 

You can thank Fr Willie by praying for the success of his canonisation cause and by praying for healings and miracles through his intercession. Indeed, a very special gift you can give to Fr Willie is to report any alleged favours and healings through his intercession. We are investigating several alleged healings reputed through Fr Willie’s intercession. However, we often hear about these accidentally. There are likely many other alleged favours that have never been reported. Please use this link to report any alleged favours in strict confidence

You can also show your gratitude by making a special donation for the expenses associated with his canonisation cause. Sometimes people wonder why canonisation processes are expensive. While we have no staffing costs – everyone involved is a volunteer – there are printing, postage, website and office expenses, costs incurred in investigating alleged miracles and healings, as well as a variety of fees at different stages of the formal canonical process. But we believe it is all worth it. Canonisations give glory to God and glory to the saints. They also inspire and encourage us by showing us how the Gospel has been lived in the concrete circumstances of a person’s life. Every canonisation cause is itself an act of evangelisation. Donations can be made at the following link:

If you are not in a position to donate to support this work, perhaps you could organise a talk about Fr Willie, or a screening of Bravery Under Fire, in your parish, prayer group or at a conference or other event? We will travel anywhere in Ireland, or overseas, to spread devotion to Fr Willie and to progress the Cause. Public talks and events are crucial for this work. They spread devotion and awareness of Fr Willie. Indeed, some of the significant alleged favours we are investigating have arisen because of parish talks about Fr Willie. Events like this also allow us to sell books and other items that help fund the Cause. Please let us know if you can facilitate an event. Or perhaps you may be in a position to establish a Fr Willie Doyle prayer group in your area? We will work with you to help promote and organise it. If you can help with any of this please contact us on 

So, on these days when we celebrate Fr Willie’s birthday, will you make a special offering to help us in this task? 

Fr Willie once said that God is looking for “big things” from those who are faithful to Him still. He also said elsewhere that “nothing is too small to offer to God”.

Whether you can offer Fr Willie a “big thing” for his birthday, or something small, anything you can do to support this work spiritually or materially is of great value.



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March 3, 2025

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