On Wednesday there is the launch of an exhibition relating to Jesuit chaplains where Fr Doyle lived for a period of time. And on Thursday there is the launch of the first ever children’s book about Fr Doyle.
The Father Willie Doyle Association
On Wednesday there is the launch of an exhibition relating to Jesuit chaplains where Fr Doyle lived for a period of time. And on Thursday there is the launch of the first ever children’s book about Fr Doyle.
Fr Doyle featured briefly on the Nationwide programme on RTE 1 in Ireland last night. The programme can be found at this link (the 11 October episode) and the segment featuring Fr Doyle commences at around 11 minutes into the programme: https://www.rte.ie/news/player/nationwide/
I have an article in the Irish Times about Fr Doyle today. It can be found here: https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/in-a-time-of-scepticism-about-priests-fr-willie-doyle-is-a-corrective-1.3209265?mode=amp
I was very pleased to take part in a radio interview about Fr Doyle on Sacred Space 102fm over the weekend. The discussion about Fr Doyle lasts almost 30 minutes. You can find a link to the podcast here if you wish to listen to it online and share it with others: https://sacredspace102.blogspot.ie/2017/09/3rd-september-2017-fr-willie-doyle-sj.html As always I am happy to take part in any media interviews or to give public talks about …
The following praise for Fr Doyle appeared in the Glasgow Weekly News on this day in 1917. It was written by a Belfast Orangeman. Given the source, this was high price indeed! Fr Doyle’s attractive spirit and his care for others crossed all boundaries and social classes. Given his care for others, and their reverence for him, it can truly be said that Fr Doyle is a role model of …
I received the email from Spain yesterday. The person who sent it gave me permission to publish it anonymously. I found it tremendously encouraging. Helping people to confess was a crucial part of Fr Doyle’s ministry, both as a mission priest and as a military chaplain, and similar testimonies were received in the years after Fr Doyle’s death. After much time away from God, I went to the intercession of …
Tribute by Sergeant T. Flynn published in the Irish News on this day in 1917 We had the misfortune to lose our chaplain, Fr. Doyle, the other day. He was a real saint and would never leave his men, and it was really marvellous to see him burying dead soldiers under terrible shell fire. He did not know what fear was, and everybody in the battalion, Catholic and Protestant alike, …
Ronan McGreevy of the Irish Times, author of Wherever the Firing Line Extends, has produced a fascinating documentary entitled The Irish at Passchendeale, in which Fr Doyle features significantly. It is also of wider historical interest, telling the story of Irish troops in the war, and places Fr Doyle’s service in context. Ronan has kindly arranged a special screening of the video at Veritas on Abbey Street next Friday, …
Fr Doyle’s pamphlets were best sellers 100 years ago. His writings have lost none of their appeal. To Raise the Fallen, a collection of Fr Doyle’s war letters and writings, is now in the top 0.005% of books on the online retailer Book Depository. Book Depository is a subsidiary of Amazon and provides free shipping worldwide. So if you want to send some of Fr Doyle’s writings to friends worldwide …