The Father Willie Doyle Association

Father Willie Doyle Association

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Father Willie Doyle


St Alberto Hurtado and Fr Willie

Today is the feast of St Alberto Hurtado, a Jesuit saint from Chile. He was canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005, and is renowned for his social work and love of the poor.

Contacts in Chile also tell us that he is remembered among the Jesuits there as a devotee of Fr Doyle. He apparently distributed literature relating to Fr Doyle and encouraged others to learn about his life. He came to Ireland as a young Jesuit to learn English, so it was probably on this occasion that he heard about Fr Willie. Here we have a joyful, cheerful modern saint who was devoted to social justice and who also presumably derived personal spiritual benefits from the example, and words, of Fr Willie.

St Alberto is not alone – we know that St Josemaria Escriva, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Saint Raphael Arnaiz Baron, Blessed John Sullivan, Venerable Adolphus Petit, the Servant of God Adele Garnier, the Servant of God Frank Duff and the Servant of God Bernard Quinn all admired Fr Doyle. There may well be other well known saints who were also devoted to him, and indeed there are many thousands of ordinary people from all walks of life who have been inspired by Fr Willie’s love of God and of neighbour.

If you wish to copy St Alberto and distribute literature and prayer cards about Fr Willie, please request them here:


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August 18, 2024

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