The Father Willie Doyle Association

Father Willie Doyle Association

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Official site for the canonisation cause of the Servant of God Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Father Willie Doyle


Thoughts for September 22 from Fr Willie Doyle

You know well that even the smallest cross and happening of your life is part of our Blessed Lord’s plan for your sanctification. It is not easy, I know, to look at things in this light. But one can train the will to look upon the act of others, even their sinful acts in as much as they concern ourselves, as coming from the hand of God. There is so much real holiness and so very much solid happiness and peace and contentment in this little principle, that I am very anxious you should try and acquire it, so that nothing may really ruffle the peace of your soul. Don’t think this is easy, it is not; and you will fail time after time in your efforts, but with perseverance, steady progress will be made.

COMMENT: As Fr Doyle points out, there is much peace and contentment to be found in the Providence of God. He arranges all things for our long term good and sanctification, even if we do not recognise, or appreciate it, at the time. Fr Doyle lived this reality in the trenches; it was precisely this faith in the loving protection of God that sustained him as he took incredible risks to save others.

It may be very difficult for us to have this trust in God, especially if we are suddenly confronted with difficult and life-changing news. We must pray for the grace to acquire this faith and trust in Providence. The Father who feeds the birds of the air and dresses the flowers of the field will not let us down or abandon us.

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September 22, 2020

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