Our Lord wants me to give Him all I can give cheerfully, not repining or regretting any sacrifice; not saying, ‘I wish I had not to do this or suffer this cold or pain, etc’, but rather, “I wish I could do more for You Jesus, I wish it were colder’.
COMMENT: Fr Willie was a true Jesuit. In these comments, written on this day in 1912, he shows his desire to follow the Third Degree of Humility in St Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises. Here is what St Ignatius says about this:
The third is most perfect Humility; namely, when — including the first and second, and the praise and glory of the Divine Majesty being equal — in order to imitate and be more actually like Christ our Lord, I want and choose poverty with Christ poor rather than riches, opprobrium with Christ replete with it rather than honors; and to desire to be rated as worthless and a fool for Christ, Who first was held as such, rather than wise or prudent in this world.
For the worldly this may seem extreme. But the saints were open to suffering. They wanted suffering not only to perform penance for their sins, but also to expiate for the sins of the world; to console Jesus for the coldness, indifference and, indeed, hatred, of others.
This was Fr Willie’s calling – to make reparation for the sins of priests, and it was for this very intention that he offered up his life.
Father Doyle, please help us to acquire the mind-set of thinking of others, for the sake of bringing more glory to God. Lead us in a self-less life, one that is genuine, persevering, and guided by the Holy Spirit. Let us use even our weaknesses to find and possess God in our daily lives, and assist others to find Him, as well.